Year 1 Spring at HKUST

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Sorry to the three readers of my blog. This is a very late post, two weeks after the start of the summer term.

This has been a chaotic term. Check my course list for more details. Honestly, it has been so eventful that I don’t remember much of the first half of the term. I stopped auditing the complex analysis course around three weeks in, and calculus on manifolds just before midterm. Unfortunately, I cannot drop any more courses.

I had initiated first contact with who I hope to be my future undergraduate advisor. I am now (in the summer term) taking a special topics course from them right now. Let’s hope it goes well.

For the less maths oriented part of my life, I had resumed playing trumpet, although rather discontinuously, sometimes not finding time for weeks at a time. But it is nice every time I practiced at the Shaw Auditorium. At first, I was quite nervous that the people outside would hear, but now I just decided that I don’t care at all. Sometimes I would rickroll, but yeah.

Unfortunately, my method of choice in taking a break from maths has been Europa Universalis IV, and Krunker Strike on Discord. Needless to say, this is not very healthy. This is something I need to work on. Perhaps I will try to exercise (just perhaps). Definitely should touch more grass.

Overall, I cannot say that this term is a success, since I took many courses and did well in none of them. At the same time, it is not a failure, since I did learn a lot, and successfully transferred into IRE, i.e. my rightful place. Well, we will have an abrupt ending here. As you can see I don’t have much to say.