Year 2 Fall at HKUST

1 minute read


Hello and welcome to another session of pitiful self-reflection. I have already written a version of this on Zhihu, which is an account of what I have done in 2024 and my plans for the new year ahead. But I didn’t really go deep into anything in that post so I might as well write something.

TL;DR: I started strong this term, then suddenly my brain didn’t work for a month and fell off.

Actually there is nothing to say. I fucked up like one very simple thing in probability theory and functional analysis, which cost me my A+. Man! What can I say.

This was supposed to be an analysis-focused semester, where I really improve in and learn a lot of analysis, but I think I wasted all my time doing nothing.

But outside my courses, I continued running several times per week. I would often see the maths department head Prof Xu lol although I have only met him in a uni context at the Chern Class welcoming session. I think I also see Prof [redacted] taking his son to football there every [redacted]day at [redacted]. Anyway, I suck at running.

The upcoming spring term will once again be very exciting. I will be further concentrating on the probability theory side of my interests. Look at my course list. The only ones that are not related are Complex Analysis and Complex Function Theory. As you can see I also want to learn a shit ton of complex analysis in spring.

Yeah as you can see I don’t have anything to say. That TL;DR isn’t really a tldr. But ok.